Conversation Between a Man and a Woman About the New Years Party IELTS Listening Answers

 Conversation Between a Man and a Woman About the New Years Party IELTS Listening Answers is a topic where a man and a woman is having a discussion plan about the upcoming New Year’s party. The topic has 10 sets of questions, which the candidates are required to attempt within the time of 30 minutes. The candidates should mandatorily read the audio transcipted passage provided in this IELTS Listening section and then should answer the given questions. This topic of IELTS listening consists of the two different sorts of questions, such as,

  • Choose the correct answer
  • Complete the notes

The candidates should thorougly read the passage given below to recognize the synonyms, identify the keywords before going for the question section of Choose the correct answer and Complete the notes.

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Audio Transcript

Woman: Hi, Sam. Let’s try and get it sorted out today, OK?

Man: Yeah, sure. It’s time we started working out the details.

Woman: Exactly. What should we begin with?

Man: Date.

Woman: OK. When is the best time to hold the New Year’s Party?

Man: How about the 30th of December ?

Woman: I’m afraid that’s a bit late.

Man: Yeah, the day before?

Woman: Fine. 29th of December.

Man: And what about a venue?

Woman: In a restaurant? Which restaurant were we in last year?

Man: Let me think. It is tulip garden. But I don’t think it was a good choice.

Woman: Why?

Man: The venue is too small. And we have about 30 people more than last year.

Woman: You are right.

Man: So how about our common room on the second floor?

Woman: Great idea.

Man: And then let’s think about invitations…

Woman: All staff and all students.

Man: How about last year students?

Woman: What do you mean?

Man: I know someone who has graduated already but still stay in the city, he might, want to come to the next month’s Graduation ceremony .

Woman: Fine. I will confirm the person later.

Man: Right.

Woman: How about the cost? 15 pounds, is that OK?

Man: What? Fifty?

Woman: No, fifteen.

Man: Right.

Woman: The next one is the food and drink. In my mind, it’s better for us to book them from a restaurant.

Man: Definitely. Which one do you prefer?

Woman: How about Tulip Garden?

Man: OK. And we should choose menu and pay in advance by deposit . How many days in advance? A week?

Woman: A week is not enough. I think at least, seven working days.

Man: OK.

Woman: How much is the deposit?

Man: I’m not sure. Maybe 80 pounds ?

Woman: I think it’s a little too much.

Man: Seventy pounds?

Woman: Right.

Woman: Well, let’s talk about the menu.

Man: Yes. Appetizer first. What was it last year?

Woman: I remember there was fruit juice and onion soup. Do you want to change?

Man: Yes. I didn’t like that soup.

Woman: Maybe we can order tomato soup instead of onion soup. Is that OK?

Man: Good.

Woman: And the next one is Main Course.

Man: How about, chicken or beef?

Woman: I prefer roast, dinner.

Man: Good idea.

Woman: And the third one is vegetables how about .

Man: How.about a vegetable salad?

Woman: Fine. What vegetables do you prefer?

Man: Carrot and tomato?

Woman: Yeah, and potato and corn?

Man: Yes. I like corn. It is good for the eyes.

Woman: Really?

Man: Yes.

Woman: And pea and onion…

Man: OK. And how about lettuce and cucumber ?

Woman: Yes. Ladies usually like that.

Man: That’s perfect.

Woman: Then for dessert, how about traditional chocolate cake?

Man: Why not? And ice cream?

Woman: I think mango pudding is better.

Man: OK. Mango pudding and chocolate cake.

Woman: The last one is drinks.

Man: I think almost everyone likes coffee.

Woman: Yes. And Sprite and Cola?

Man: Fine.

Woman: Do you think if we should prepare for some souvenirs ?

Man: We can take some photos, print them and give them to all people at the end of the party as a memory .

Woman: Good idea.

Questions 1-4.

Choose the correct letter A, B or C and write answers next to 1-4 on your answer sheet.

When will the New Year Party be held?
A December 29th
B December 30th
C December 31st

Question 1. The best place for holding the party is _______________

  1. restaurant.
  2. common room.
  3. stadium.

Answer: B

Explanation: Acoording to the man, the suitable place for conducting the New Year’s party is at their common room, to which the women nods her head. So, option B is the rigt choice.

Question 2. How much does everyone should pay?

  1. £15
  2. £50
  3. £15.50

Answer: A

Explanation: The women asks about the cost which everyone should bare, and suggests the cost to be of 15 pounds, to which the man agrees. So, A will be the appropriate option. 

Question 3. How many days should they choose the menu in advance?

  1. a week
  2. three days
  3. seven working days

Answer: C

Explanation: The woman impies that in seven working days they should pay in advance for the menu by deposit, when she is asked by the man about it. Therefore, option C is the right answer.

Question 4. How much deposit should they pay in advance?

  1. £70
  2. £80
  3. £90

Answer: A

Explanation: According to the man and the woman, they should pay for about seventy pounds in advance for the New Year;s party.

Questions 5-10.

Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Appetizer Fruit juice 5_________________
6_________________ Roast dinner
Vegetables Vegetable salad: carrot, tomato, patato, corn, 7_____________, lettuce, cucumber
8 _________________ 9______________ Mango pudding
Drinks Coffee, 10_____________, Cola

Question 5.

Answer: Tomato soup

Explanation: The women said to the man that inspite of onion soup, the tomato soup can be preferred more, to which the man agrees.

Question 6.

Answer: Main Course

Explanation: The woman implies that the roast dinner can be preferred as the main course, which the man thought to be a good choice.

Question 7.

Answer: Pea, onion

Explanation: The man and the woman at the time of listing up all the ingredients which will be the necessary ingredients for their party, forgets to mention about the pea and the onion. 

Question 8.

Answer: Dessert

Explanation: The dessert is mostly preferred by the people after having their main course.

Question 9.

Answer: Chocolate cake

Explanation: The man and the woman had chosen the mango pudding and chocolate cake as the item of dessert. 

Question 10.

Answer: Sprite

Explanation: So the answer should be Sprite. The man and the woman together agrees the Sprite and Cola for the beverages or drinks. 

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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