Conversation Between a Man and a Researcher IELTS Listening Answers

Conversation Between a Man and a Researcher IELTS Listening Answers is a topic where a man and a researcher having their discussions. The candiates are required to attempt the 10 sets of questions, within a time span of 30 minutes. The candidates should mandatorily undergo the audio transcript given in this IELTS listening passage properly and then should answer the given questions. The given topic of IELTS Listening comprises basically of three different segments of questions, which are as follows:

  • Complete the information
  • Choose the correct letter
  • Multiple choice

The candidates should skim the whole passage, recognize the synonyms and identify the keywords for answering the sections of complete the information, choose the correct letter and multiple choice questions.

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Topic: Conversation Between a Man and a Researcher

Audio Transcript

Researcher: Good morning, sir. Are you enjoying the Perfect Home exhibition ?

Man: Yes, I am. It’s very interesting. I’m planning on buying a home in the near future and this exhibition has given me some great ideas.

Researcher: I’m conducting a survey on behalf of the exhibition organizers. Can I take a few minutes of your time to ask you some questions?

Man: Yes, of course. Can we sit down? I’m rather tired after walking around the different exhibits and stands.

Researcher: Of course. I’ll ask my colleague to get you a drink. Coffee?

Man: Yes, please. Milk and one sugar. Now, I suppose you’ll need my name?

Researcher: Yes, Mr…?

Man: Glass, William Glass. Double S.

Researcher: Do you have an email address, Mr Glass?

Man: I do. It’s

Researcher: I’ll just fill in the date. 26 of February 2007. Right. What do you do, Mr Glass?

Man: I work at the Ministry of Culture. I’m a civil servant.

Researcher: How old are you?

Man: 29 .

Researcher: And your marital status?

Man: I live with my girlfriend .

Researcher: Right. Single. Do you have any children?

Man: No.

Researcher: And could I ask you how much you earn?

Man: Well, I’d rather not say, to be honest.

Researcher: Could you just look at these ranges and say where you fit in?

Man: Oh, OK. There. 24 to 36 thousand.

Researcher: OK, that’s the personal information I need. Now I’d like to ask you about the property you live in. Do you live in a house or a flat and how big is it?

Man: I live in a flat… about 100 square metres. A little under.

Researcher: Do you rent or is it vours?

Man: I have a mortgage.

Researcher: Now, you said that you were anticipating buying another home in the near future. Are you intending to get a house?

Man: Yes, I am. Just a small one.

Researcher: What’s your budget like?

Man: Well, the bank has said that they’ll allow me a mortgage of up to a hundred thousand pounds, so enough for a small house.

Researcher: When you say a small house, what kind of size were you thinking?

Man: Oh, perhaps a little under 200 square meters, with a garden of, oh, I don’t know, maybe 20 square metres.

Researcher: And when do you think you’ll buy the property ?

Man: Within the next six months … hopefully sooner.

Researcher: Ah, here’s your coffee. Thank you John. Mr Glass, have you seen any particular properties that you are interested in?

Man: Yes, I have. There’s an interesting development going on in the district of Haydon. The government has joined up with a private company to offer affordable housing there. It’s on the outskirts of the city, but the transportation links look excellent: regular buses to the underground station. That means that it will only take me an hour to get to work in the morning: not much more than it takes now.

Researcher: They’re going to have some nice facilities nearby too.

Man: Yes. I’m looking forward to the cinema complex and the shopping centre, of course. I love films and shopping will be convenient .

Researcher: There’s a golf course nearby too.

Man: Well, I’m sure many of the other residents will appreciate it. I’ll join the fitness centre instead. Is your company involved in the development in any way?

Researcher: Oh, my company just does research. However, the private developer involved in that project is our client. The smaller houses are about 180 square metres , which suits you perfectly.

Man: Yes. Property is so expensive in this city nowadays. It’s good that the government is beginning to help those of us who don’t make large amounts of money.

Researcher: Well, thank you very much. I’d like to give you these free gifts.

Man: Oh, well, thank you very much! A notebook and pen are always useful and the T-shirt will come in useful in the summer. Goodbye.

Researcher: Goodbye.

Questions 1-4

Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR NUMBERS for each gap.

Name William Glass
Email 1____________________________
Date 26th February 2007
Occupation 2_______________________________
Age 29
Marital status 3__________________________________
Children no
Salary £ 4____________________- thousand/year

Question 1.


Explanation: The man named William Glass replies that his email  id is at the time when he is asked about it by the researcer.

Question 2.

Answer: civil servant

Explanation: William Glass replied to he the servant that he is a civil servant by occupation and works at the Ministry of Culture, when he is being interrogated by the researcher about it.

Question 3.

Answer: single

Explanation: The man addressed himself as a single bachelor and claims about living with his girlfriend, when he is asked about his marital status by the researcher.

Question 4.

Answer: 24-36/24 to 36

Explanation: The time when the researcher asked the man that how much income does he earn monthly, the man told him that he won’t like to mention it publicly but still he says that hissalary ranges in between 24 to 36 thousands monthly.

Questions 5-8

Write the appropriate letter on your answer sheet.

Current residence

Moving? 0 – 3 months
4-6 months
7-9 months
10 -12 months
over 12 months
  1. Size
  1. Below 100 sq.m.
  2. 100-200 sq.m.
  3. Over 200 sq.m.

Answer: A

Explanation: The man replied to the researcher that he lives in a flat which is less than 100 square meters. Thus, the right option is A. 

  1. Ownership
  1. Rented
  2. Owner-occupier
  3. Owned/rented by the company

Answer: B

Explanation: The man replied to the researcher that he lives in a flat which is pre-occupied by a owner, means having a mortgage or contract. So, the appropriate option will be B.

  1. Future residence (cost)
  1. up to £50,000
  2. £50,000-£100,000
  3. £100,000-£200,000
  4. £200,000-£250,000
  5. over £250,000

Answer: B

Explanation: The man at the time of being interrogated by the researcher about the cost of his future house, replies that the bank assured him to grant a debt of up to a hundred thousand pounds, which is very little sum of money according to him. Hence,option B is the right answer here.

  1. Size (excl. garden)
  1. Below 100 sq.m.
  2. 100-200 sq.m.
  3. Over 200 sq.m.

Answer: B

Explanation: The time when researcher asked him the approximate size of the future house the man is expecting, the man remarks that should be a little below 200 square meters exluding garden. So, the answer will be B.

Questions 9-10

Answer the following questions.

Write the appropriate letter(s) on your answer sheet.

NB More than one letter may be correct for each answer.

  1. Which people/organizations are involved in the Haydon housing project?
  1. A private company
  2. The government
  3. A housing association
  4. Co-operatives

Answer: A

Explanation: The man stated that an eye-catching development in the district of Haydon is in process and the government offering housings there at affordable rates with the help of a private company. So, the right answer is A.

  1. Which facilities will Mr. Glass use at the Haydon housing project?
  1. The cinema
  2. The shopping centre
  3. The golf course
  4. The fitness centre

Answer: C

Explanation: The man implies that he is sure that the golf course at nearby will be appreciated by many of the other residents, and so the right option will be C.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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