A Conversation Between 2 Students Discussing Their Project - IELTS Listening Sample Answer

Collegedunia Team

Sep 27, 2021

The IELTS Listening section tests the candidate’s listening skills through four sections containing forty questions in total. Candidates need to listen to the audio and answer all the questions. This topic is section Three of IELTS Listening. Section three is a conversation between 2 students discussing their project. IELTS listening practice papers are helpful preparation materials for candidates. This section contains different question types:

Audio Transcript

In section three you'll hear two students discussing their project.

Judith: Well Fred thanks for coming over to my room.

Fred: Oh that's okay I had a lecture near here this morning so it was easy to come over. we've got to get on with this north sea oil project anyway.

Judith: So did you manage to do any of the things that we decided on last week?

Fred: Most of the things I got were all the books from the library and saw Mr Peters about the research. He told me the names of some good sites on the internet where I could find lots of information about the North Sea oil industry safety issues.

Judith: He's a great tutor isn't he”

Fred: yes he is so I checked out the sites and made some notes. What about you did you get the information on the background and history of the north sea oil industry?

Judith: yeah there was loads of information and I’ve made notes too. I think I’ve got it all covered so let me tell you what I found out. I'll run the ideas past you and you can tell me if it's okay.

Fred: good idea

Judith: So as you know the north sea lies to the east and northeast of England and Scotland. Apparently, the north sea was long dismissed as a potential source of oil or gas but over the last four decades, it has become the center of one of the world's most productive energy. Industrial gas was actually first found in quantity in the Groningen area of the Netherlands in 1959. This was followed by the first British discovery of gas in the west Seoul field off the coast of East Anglia by the BP drilling rig Sea Gem, late in 1965.

Fred: Actually, the first accident was on that rig too anyway sorry go on Judith.

Judith: The British oil and gas industry in the southern north sea grew rapidly in the early years. The deepening economic crisis in the UK meant that there was enormous pressure on the industry to get gas and later oil flowing as exploration and investment moved further north. It became clear that there was oil to be found in great quantities. Discoveries of oil grew in number as more companies British European and American took out leases on sectors of the north sea.

During the 1990s like the rest of the world, the north sea industry was badly affected by the global price fluctuations. Nevertheless, production grew and peaked around 2000-2001. Now the north sea is regarded as a mature province on a slow decline. That's about it, for now, I’ll put more detail into it when we do the presentation. You know statistics and all that.

Fred: Yes you've done a good job. Shall I do the same then? It's not as long as yours.

Judith: Go ahead

Fred: Okay then. As I said earlier the first industrial accident related to the industry in the north sea happened only days after they discovered the first gas. The Sea Gem capsized with the loss of 13 lives. There are regular accidents on all oil rigs around the world but the north sea is just such a harsh environment that there always seems to be more there. The most famous accident and the worst disaster in the north sea were in the Piper Alpha disaster of 1988.

Judith: Yes I remember that one on the news when it happened.

Fred: Today the industry is very safety conscious when you first arrive you are given a safety tour of the installation, detailing all safety aspects including fire extinguishers, emergency muster stations, lifeboat stations, and emergency procedures. You will be introduced to the rig safety program. Everyone attends weekly safety meetings and daily pre-tour meetings. The weekly meeting is an in-depth look at industry-wide safety news and other safety-related issues on the rig. Companies share safety information with other companies throughout the industry, this helps to avoid repeated incidents. A fire and boat drill is often held on the same day which involves a mock fire and a mock “abandon the rig” exercise. The pre-tour meeting is usually a description of the work carried out when you are off shift, the work you will be doing, the work others are currently doing that may affect you, and any other relevant issues of the day. Accidents do still happen as in every industry. However, statistics show that with the massive improvements in offshore safety procedures you now have a higher chance of having fatal accidents if you work on a building site than you do when on an oil rig. Well, that's all from me. I'll add lots of details too.

Judith: Okay well let's plan what we have to do next.

That is the end of section three.

Questions 21-26

Complete Judith’s notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


North Sea oil and gas exploration was initially rejected but has now really expanded during 21________________years.

The first significant quantities of gas were first discovered in the Groningen area off The Netherlands in 1959.

First British discovery of the same in West Sole field, off the coast of East Anglia, by 22__________________in 1965.

The British oil and gas industry experienced rapid growth in the early years.

An 23______________________ in the UK led to enormous pressure to increase the production of North Sea gas and oil.

Oil field discoveries increased with British, European and American firms buying North Sea exploration 24_____________________________

In the 1990s the oil business suffered due to 25_________________________of oil.

Production grew and peaked around 2000/1.

The North Sea is currently looked upon as a 26_____________________on a slow decline.

Question 21.

Answer: the last 40

Explanation: We can hear Judith mentioning, “ the north sea was long dismissed as a potential source of oil or gas but over the last four decades,”. ‘Four decades’ is equal to forty years. Therefore the answer is ‘ the last 40’.

Also, check:

Question 22.

Answer: BP drilling rig/Sea Gem

Explanation: This was followed by the first British discovery of gas in the west Seoul field off the coast of East Anglia by the BP drilling rig Sea Gem, late in 1965.

Question 23.

Answer: economic crisis

Explanation: Judith stated, “The deepening economic crisis in the UK meant that there was enormous pressure on the industry to get gas.” This economic crisis produced North Sea gas and oil.

Question 24.

Answer: leases

Explanation: Judith explains that discoveries of oil grew in number as more companies British European and American took out leases on sectors of the north sea. Hence the answer here is ‘lease’

Question 25.

Answer: global price fluctuations

Explanation: Judith mentions that due to the global price fluctuations the north sea industry was badly affected.

Question 26.

Answer: mature province

Explanation: As stated by Judith, “ Now the north sea is regarded as a mature province on a slow decline.” therefore the answer is ‘mature province’.

Questions 27-30

Complete the summary of Fred’s talk below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.


Although the Sea Gem was the first North Sea oil exploration accident, the most well-known accident was aboard the Piper Alpha platform in 1988 when 13 people died. Because of these and other accidents, platforms now have rigorous safety procedures, for example:

Installation Safety Tour showing all safety aspects eg: 27_________________

emergency muster stations

28______________________emergency procedures

Rig Safety Programme Introduction

Weekly Safety Meetings

Daily Pre “Tour” Meetings

Inter-Company Safety Information Scheme

Fire and Boat Practice with 29______________________________

Mock Abandon the Rig Exercise

Statistics now show that these measures have succeeded and that workers are more likely to be killed on 30______________________________

Question 27.

Answer: fire extinguishers

Explanation: A stated by Fred “Today the industry is very safety conscious when you first arrive you are given a safety tour of the installation, detailing all safety aspects including fire extinguishers…..” Thus the answer is ‘fire extinguishers’

Question 28.

Answer: lifeboat stations

Explanation: Fred mentions how safety-conscious industries are nowadays. On the international safety tour, you are given a tour of lifeboat stations too.

Question 29.

Answer: a mock fire

Explanation: Fred told Judith about the Inter-Company Safety Information Scheme which involves a mock fire and a mock “abandon the rig” exercise. Thus ‘mock fire’ is the answer.

Question 30.

Answer: a building site

Explanation: Fred, while talking about his research, mentions that “statistics show that with the massive improvements in offshore safety procedures you now have a higher chance of having fatal accidents if you work on a building site than you do when on an oil rig.” Therefore here ‘building site’ is the answer.

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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