A Bad Image Not Justified Reading Answers

Bhaskar Das

Dec 3, 2022

A Bad Image Not Justified Reading Answers has 16 questions that have to be answered in 20 minutes. Reading Answers comprises question types, namely- Use no more than three words, no more than two words, and no more than one word. For each of the question types, candidates are required to ensure the word limits as mentioned in the question. Candidates must read the IELTS reading passage, identify keywords, and recognize synonyms to answer the question. The answers to the IELTS Reading topic “A Bad Image Not Justified Reading Answers” are discussed below.

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Reading Passage Question

Children's rhyme as ‘Flies are a nuisance, wasps are a pest…’ In fact, they are recognized everywhere by the local council environmental health departments. Having a wasp nest near your home is a cause for concern. But all living things have a role in life, the flies function for a useful purpose, they support removing waste products and feeding on other animals in the food chain.

And wasps? For most of us, they do not have any recovery features. Because of being stabbed, the majority of people hate them and question their freedom to live. As John Crompton indicates in 'The Hunting Wasp' we typically overreact while seeing the insects but they are more scared of us and want to run away from us. However, their sting is at least a disturbance factor, and, in the case of allergic patients, is a serious health risk, but wasps do not attack without fair logic. Very frequently, we accidentally bother them, paying a painful cost.

The issue is that two or three species give a bad name to others. Vespula vulgaris and Vespula germanica, standard and German wasps are inspired by our diet and can ruin a trip by challenging each of our ice cream, sandwich bites, and a drink. Barbecues are another typical battleground because wasps like to suck juices from the meat. They often go to trash cans and other dirty places, and so they can lead to a health hazard, albeit not as much as flies. Another evil of theirs, often unnoticed, is that they like to feed their cubs the meat of the bee when they eat it. Beekeepers hate them because their experiments severely disrupt the natural course of bees. Yet, this is not a full view and it is essential to adjust the balance in favor of our black and yellow colors, although of course the negative!

Together with bees and ants, wasps form an insect lineage called Hymenoptera, and they are split into two major types, solitary and social. The former do not have to worry about us here because they have no issue with us. They live alone or in small groups, and their larvae use their delicate sticks only to freeze prey to swallow them alive and fresh. They can also be used in natural pest control activities. They are called social wasps because they form large colonies of infertile female 'workers' ruled by a single queen. In Britain, in addition to the species mentioned above, there are wood, Norwegian, Saxon, red, and cuckoo wasps and also hornets, which rarely come into contact with us.

Of course, there is also the Tolikovesbula medium or the intermediate wasp. Since Kent first established itself in 1985, it has spread rapidly across the country, blaming the tabloids every year for the 'French killer wasp' or 'Euro Wasp', blaming global warming for the Superbug attack! In fact, it's bigger than our native wasps, and its sting is very powerful, but no matter what you read on paper it is not aggressive. There will be no trouble if it is left as it is. The main thing is that the stick of all social wasps is defensive and they can be used against anyone or object that is deemed a danger to themselves or their nest. Everything in that unpleasant cocktail they pay for is a secret recipe that scientists still need to analyze.

The life cycle of social wasps starts on a hot day in April, when the queens wake up and choose a place for their nest, usually on the ground, in a tree, or on the Attic floor and in the area under the roof. The structure is made of wood chewed with saliva, which creates a gray paper material. The queen forms a dozen or more hexagonal cells and lays the first of thirty thousand eggs. The chicks hatch and feed until they are young. When the new adults or fantasies appear after eight weeks, the queen continues to lay eggs, while her infertile daughters form an expanding nest and feed on the new larvae. The males and females hatch in August and are larger and brighter in color than the working ‘species’. For males with slightly longer antennae, there is no odor, which can be seen mating with young queens in the fall and sucking nectar from the last budding plant in the UK, the ivy. As the weather cools and the flowers fade, both men and survivors die. The old queen is also destroyed, along with the last remaining unnoticed groups. Although the colonies are known to last a long time in temperate climates, heavy rains in November destroy the nest. Feeding well to construct up their fat reserves during the extended hard winter to come, the impregnated queens look for suitable shelter for sleeping, i.e. below the folds of the bar.

We need to ask those who eradicate wasps what the globe would be like without them. Quite simply, there will be very few flowers and very few fruits, and there will be many flies, mosquitoes, and other bugs because they pollinate the former and prefer the latter to baby food. Although these services come at a small cost, we should be grateful for them. 

If we leave the wasps alone they will not hurt us. Just as we treat bees with caution and respect, we must also treat wasps. They are attractive creatures, they really have the right to be a part of our ecosystem and besides being attractive, they actually benefit in more ways than one.

Solution and Explanation
Questions 1 to 4:
Below are given questions in which the candidate has to read the statement and give an answer with not more than three words.

Question 1: To most people, what do wasps not seem to have?

Answer: Redeeming features
Supporting Sentence: For most of us, they do not have any recovery features.
: possess, no redeeming features, been stung, people hate them
Keyword Location
Para 2, lines 1-2
: In the second paragraph, the author says that to most of us, they appear to possess no redeeming features whatsoever. The information is provided regarding the question. The paragraph says that they usually do not possess any redeeming features. Hence, Redeeming features is the correct answer.

Question 2: What do people usually do when confronted with insects which have a greater fear of people?

Answer: They overreact
Supporting Sentence
: As John Crompton indicates in 'The Hunting Wasp' we typically overreact while seeing the insects but they are more scared of us and want to run away from us.
: tend to overreact, presence of insects, more afraid of us, escape our company
Keyword Location
Para 2, lines 4-6
: The author states that we generally tend to overreact to the presence of insects that are far more afraid of us. Their only desire is to escape our company. As per the above passages, the readers get an idea that people usually overreact when insects are present nearby. Even insects are afraid of the presence of people and they desire to escape from people as soon as possible. Hence, overreacting is the correct answer.

Question 3: What do several species of wasp give other wasps?

Answer: A bad name
Supporting Sentence
: The issue is that two or three species give a bad name to others.
: two or three species, the rest a bad name
Keyword Location
Para 3, line 1
: As per the passage, we can clearly see that two or three species give the rest a bad name. The information given to us in the above passages shows that multiple species give bad names to other wasps. So, the answer, in this case, would be a bad name.

Question 4: What does the writer want to do as regards the image of wasps?

Answer: Redress the balance
Supporting Sentence
: Yet, this is not a full view and it is essential to adjust the balance in favor of our black and yellow colors, although of course the negative!.
: necessary to redress the balance, not a complete picture, favor of our black and yellow chums
Keyword Location
Para 4
: The author states that it is necessary to redress the balance in favor of our black and yellow chums, notwithstanding the downside of course. With the help of redressing the balance in yellow and black chums. The picture should have a balanced color which is favorable.

Questions 5 to 10:
The candidates are required to fill in the blank space. Generally, the answer should be one or two words and not more than that.
You need to fill the answer in the box given below from 5 to 10.


Question 5: The _______ hymenoptera.

Answer: order or insect order
Supporting Sentence
: Together with bees and ants, wasps form an insect lineage called Hymenoptera, and they are split into two major types, solitary and social.
: together, bees, ants, wasps, form insect order, hymenoptera
Keyword Location
para 4, 1st sentence
: The question asks us what is order in which insects, bees, ants, and wasps form Hymenoptera. As per the passage, the answer would be order or insect order which tells the order of Hymenoptera.

Question 6: Cause no ____?

Answer: problem(s)
Supporting Sentence
: The former need not concern us here, as they cause us no problems.
: concern us here, cause us no problems
Keyword Location
Para 5, lines 3-4
: The author states that Social wasps are not concerned and they do not cause any problems to others. Since they cause no problems, the answer is a problem(s).

Question 7: Wasps used in ______ programmes?

Answer: Pest control
Supporting Sentence
: They can also be employed in natural pest control operations.
: wasps, employed in natural pest control operations, programmes.
Keyword Location
Para 5, line 6-7
: The passage directly states that the wasps can be used in natural pest control operations. This helps to reduce diseases. So, we can conclude that wasps are used in pest control programs. Pest control is the answer which suits the best in this case.

Question 8: create large colonies of infertile female workers under a ____?

Answer: queen or a single queen
Supporting Sentence
: Social wasps are so-called because they form large colonies of infertile female ‘workers’ ruled by a single queen.
: workers, single queen, social wasps, large colonies, infertile female
Keyword Location
para 5, line 7-9
: The author provides us necessary information in the passage. As per the information given, the large colonies of infertile females are usually controlled by a single queen. So these so-called wasps form large colonies.

Question 9: not any more_____ than the native wasp?

Answer: aggressive
Supporting Sentence
: Indeed, it is larger than our native wasps, and its sting is more powerful, but it is no more aggressive, despite what one reads in the paper.
: no more aggressive, larger than our native wasps
Keyword Location
Para 6, line 5-7
: According to the question, aggressive is the answer which fits the best. As it is asked that native wasps are no more what than other wasps. So, the answer is aggressive as native wasps are more aggressive as compared to other wasps.

Question 10: sting is _____ unless provoked.

Answer: defensive
Supporting Sentence
: The point is that the sting of all social wasps is defensive, and will be used against anyone or thing perceived as a threat to themselves or their nest.
: social wasps, defensive, a threat to themselves
Keyword Location
Para 6, lines 8-10
: The answer to the question is 'defensive' as it tells that all kinds of social wasps sting to defend themselves. Once, the humans provoke social wasps only then do they sting them to be safe.

Question 11 to 16:
In the following question, the flow chart is given about the life cycle of social wasps. The candidate needs to fill in the blanks with suitable words and the answers should be in the boxes from 11 to 16.

Question 11: Queens _____ from hibernation.

Answer: emerge
Supporting Sentence
: The life cycle of social wasps starts on a hot day in April, when the queens wake up and choose a place for their nest, usually on the ground, in a tree, or on the Attic floor and in the area under the roof.
: queens emerge, from hibernation, a place for their nest, hole in the ground
Keyword Location
Para 7, lines 1-4
: The author in the 7th paragraph gives us information about the life cycle of social wasps. We get to know that in April, the queen emerges from hibernation to select an ideal place for her nest. Usually, the suitable place for them is a hole in the ground. hence, the queen emerges from hibernation. 

Question 12: The _____ hatch.

Answer: grubs or eggs
Supporting Sentence
: The queen forms a dozen or more hexagonal cells and lays the first of thirty thousand eggs.
: lays, first of up thirty thousand eggs
Keyword Location
para 7, lines 6-8
: The author provides us information that shows that around thirty thousand eggs are hatched. However, the queen finds a dozen or so hexagonal cells where she can lay eggs before the process. Hence eggs is the correct answer.

Question 13: The queen's infertile daughters build the expanding nest and feed the new _____.

Answer: larvae
Supporting Sentence
: When the new adults, or imaginations, appear about eight weeks later, the queen continues to lay eggs while her infertile daughters continue to build the expanding nest and feed the new larvae.
: eight weeks, queen's infertile daughters, expanding nest, feed new larvae
Keyword Location
Para 7, 8-11
: As per the information, the infertile daughters of queens expand their nest and they continue to feed new larvae. As said the queen lays eggs while her infertile daughters build nests. Also, she feeds the new larvae.

Question 14: The males ____ with the young

Answer: mate
Supporting Sentence
: For males with slightly longer antennae, there is no odor, which can be seen mating with young queens in the fall and sucking nectar from the last budding plant in the UK, the iv.
: males slightly longer antenna, stingless, seen in autumn mating, with young queens
Keyword Location
Para 7, 12-15
: The passage tells us that Males, who have slightly longer antennae, are stingless. They can be seen in autumn mating with the young queens and sipping nectar from ivy, the last plant in Britain to blossom. According to the questions, what do males do with the young queen? In the answer, you need to write 'mate'. The paragraph says males have a longer antennae and they are seen mating with the young queen in autumn.

Question 15: The old queen ____.

Answer: perishes or dies
Supporting Sentence
: The old queen is also destroyed, along with the last remaining unnoticed groups.
: old queen, perishes, together with last remaining, untended grubs
Keyword Location
Para 7, lines 8-9
: As per the passage, the old queen perishes too, together with the last remaining untended grubs. The question asks what happens to the old queen. So, the answer is that the old queen dies or perishes.

Question 16: The impregnated queens seeks out a suitable spot for ______.

Answer: hibernation
Supporting Sentence
: Having fed well to build up their fat reserves for the long hard winter to come, the impregnated queens seek out a suitably sheltered spot for hibernation, such as under a fold of bark.
: impregnated queens, suitable spot, for hibernation, such as under a fold of bark
Keyword Location
Para 7, last 3 lines
: The above statement is evident in the seventh paragraph where the author is talking about a suitable place for hibernation of the impregnated queen. The impregnated queen finds places like under a fold of bark as the perfect place for hibernation.

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*The article might have information for the previous academic years, please refer the official website of the exam.


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